FRENCH Alphabet Matching Mats for Letter Names and Beginning Sounds
Le Printemps (SPRING) French Emergent Reader -Spring Counting
French COLORS - Classroom Poster (Simple Décor)
ALPHABET -Ice Cream Matching Activity
FRENCH Insects and Bugs | Real Photos | Science Posters
FRENCH - Farm Animals Real-Life Pictures - POSTERS
FRENCH Color Posters with Real Pictures | Colorful Classroom Decor
Les Inseceted - Cartes Eclairs - French Insects Flashcards/Memory Game
FRENCH Spring Vocabulary Words - Spring Word Wall Writing Center Cards
FRENCH Alphabet Posters | Alphabet with Real Pictures | Colorful Classroom Décor
Animal ALPHABET Posters | Colorful Classroom Décor
Real-Life Pictures - FRENCH Number Posters | Colorful Classroom Décor
French 3D Shape Classification Activity (No-Prep 3D Shapes) Les Formes en 3D
2D Shapes - Sorting Activity - Les formes en 2D (Classification)
Les Sons en Français - AFFICHES (French Sound Posters- Classroom Décor)
Classroom POSTERS - French Sounds - 12 posters included
Les Couleurs AFFICHES - French Colors Posters, Classroom Décor
FRENCH Alphabet Poster - Brush lettering - Classroom Décor
French Learning Pack - Beginner Vocabulary - Get Ready for School
Colorful & Bright - French Sounds - POSTERS