Enjoy these fun, colourful posters in your classroom to display 2D shapes - in FRENCH!
Available in colour and black & white
Les formes • 12 affiches
- un carré
- un cercle
- un triangle
- un rectangle
- un pentagone
- un octogone
- un trapèze
- un losange
- un hexagone
- une étoile
- un coeur
- un ovale
Multiple Uses:
- Print full-page posters for a classroom display and support at math centers!
- Print multiple copies per page to use as flash cards.
- Print a second set and use them as a memory card game.
- Send home with students for extra practice
- Bind them together on a binder ring or bind them to make a book that will be referred to all year!
**Black & White versions can be used to save ink!
2D Shapes French Posters